Head of Production

Essa Coca é Fanta

For many years the expression “Essa Coca é Fanta - This Coke is Fanta”, was used to refer to homosexuals in Brazil, not in a nice way. 

During all this time, people not only offended others verbally by saying that but also thousands of pejorative memes were done to make fun of the LGBTQ+ community in the country.

To celebrate the International LGBT+ Pride Day, Coca-Cola inspired itself by those who embraced who they really are to launched a limited edition can: a Coke with Fanta inside and a powerful message “This Coke is Fanta. So what?”. A special can that ignores labels, challenge prejudice and turns a homophobic meme into a positive statement.

One day action, that quickly became a hit in Brazil: 

+ 219 articles
+ 70k mention
+ 100mi impressions in one single day

The "positive feeling" about the brand increased 10% that week.

One of the best campaigns of 2017 according B9: LINK