Head of Production

Proud Whopper - Burger King

Proud Whopper was the first campaign launched after we repositioned the Burger King brand globally, from "Taste is King" to "Be Your Way". 

On 2014 Burger King launched a new whopper, called Proud Whopper, on the pride week in San Francisco. Guests who ordered the "Proud Whopper" found that the sandwich was the same as a classic Whooper, but came wrapped in a rainbow-colored wrapper with the inscription, "We are all the same inside". This was the first campaign launched after we repositioned the Burger King brand globally, from "Taste is King" to "Be Your Way". 

When I first heard about the idea I was amazed and wanted to be involved in this production, I knew it would be challenging. I've worked on the production from the start to finish, from briefing the director, to producing the photos that would be displayed out of the store, to launching the film. 

Proud Whopper was directed by Henry-Alex Rubin, at Smuggler Films. The film was shot in 3 day and the entire post production was made in San Francisco in only 48 hours from the end of the shooting until the launch. 

Being part of the Proud Whopper campaign was unique, not only for the challenge that it presented to me as a professional, but because it touched a cause that I truly believe in  and support - everybody deserves equal rights and respect.